Omani's and german artist Exhibition
April 27 - May 6
Pilchuck Glass School Spring Group Tours. View the spectacle of glassblowing;
talk with working artists; tour the Stanwood campus. 10am or 2pm. Tours
offered to organizational groups of 10 - 45 people. $30 per person; $20
seniors and students -- includes tea and treats. Contact Amanda Lee: 206/621-8422,
ext. 50 or email alee@pilchuck.com.
May 16
Pratt's 27th Annual Fine Art Auction, Pratt Fine Arts Center, 5pm.
Bid on beautiful works of glass, jewelry, and sculpture. Pratt Exposed
-- May 15, 6 - 9pm. Your free opportunity to meet the artists and see
their work. Call 206/328-2200 or visit www.pratt.org.
Art Mrket
Paris means business -The Biennale des Antiquaires is indisputably the art market's grandest fair. Maastricht may pull in more big spenders and major dealers from around the world, but, for good old-fashioned glamour and glitz, Paris is without serious rival.
Rubbish Art Given Away - Tomoko Takahashi -An installation of 7,600 pieces of junk has been given away at the Serpentine Gallery in Kensington Gardens, UK. Japanese born artist Tomoko Takahashi spent three days installing the work, titled "My Playstation".
Naked Disabled Woman Sculpture - A 12 foot/3.6 meter tall marble sculpture of a disabled pregnant woman is challenging people's ideas of beauty and what public art is in Britain. The sculpture will be on display in the popular Trafalgar Square for the next 18 months.
Portraits of London - Alexander Selivanov - The Russian born artist Alexander Selivanov will be exhibiting at the Rainbird art gallery in London from the 1st of February. The exhibition is called "Portraits of London" and is also showing works by Sophie Ahmad and Tom Young.
10th International Istanbul Biennial in Turkey - Turkey continues to establish itself as an art friendly place with the Tenth Istanbul Biennial opening this weekend.
Emily Patrick Exhibition - The English artist Emily Patrick has some impressive paintings online here. They're impressive in an understated way. The paintings are mostly small, color is used conservatively,